Этот ресурс посвящен легендарной рок-группе, вписавшей золотыми буквами в историю мировой рок-музыки свое имя - Scorpions!  



He's A Woman - She's A Man

Music: Rudolf Schenker
Lyrics: Klaus Meine, Herman Rarebell

I saw it walkin' lonely down the street
Cool like a cat, like crazy clean
I looked twice again, I can't believe
Oh no no no
It turned around right then
And looked at me
I said oh no, it really couldn't be
It was a man, it was a woman, too

He's a woman, she's a man
He's a woman, she's a (woman)

I think it really came from far away
I'm feeling head uptight so I have to stay
It takes my hand and says come on, let's go
Let's go, let's go, let's go
We're goin' home, it's nice and warm to say
He starts to move, she starts to play
I need a body, why not you

He's a woman, she's a man
He's a woman, she's a (woman)

He's a woman, she's a man
He's a woman, she's a (woman)


Sting In The Tail




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