Этот ресурс посвящен легендарной рок-группе, вписавшей золотыми буквами в историю мировой рок-музыки свое имя - Scorpions!  


Spirit Of Rock

We are in the ocean
Every kind of fish
We are a human rainbow
We are whatever we wish
We have been forever
And we shall always be
We can endure whatever
We are eternity

The spirit of rock will never die
?2Just like a rock in the ocean
In the spirit of rock we're flying high
Always high on emotion
The spirit of rock will never die
I swear, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

We've had night's so lonely
We've had our days of doubt
Some things we've learnt to live with
Some things we live without
We got no time for waiting
?3We got no sacred cows
For there is no tomorrow
There's only here and now

The spirit of rock will never die
Just like a rock in the ocean
In the spirit of rock we're flying high
Always high on emotion
The spirit of rock will never die
I swear, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Five days a week
Keep the spirit alive
Eight days a week
Forever saturday night

The spirit of rock will never die
Just like a rock in the ocean
In the spirit of rock we're flying high
?4Always high on emotion
The spirit of rock will never die
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


Sting In The Tail




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Another Piece Of Meat
A Moment In A Million Years
Over The Top

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